Please send references to your publications to be added to this list (see contacts)
Johnson, J. H., Hypernetworks in the science of complex systems, Imperial College Press, (London),i 2013.
Gould, P., Johnson, J.H., Chapman, G. P., The Structure of Television, PION Books (London), 1984.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The Future of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the Science of Complex Systems, Innovation - The European Journal of Social Sciences, 23(2), June 2010, 115-134.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Science and policy in designing complex futures’, Journal of Futures, 40, 520-536, (2008)
Johnson, J. H., Iravani, P., ‘The Multilevel Hypernetwork Dynamics of Complex Systems of Robot Soccer Agents’, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, (23 pages), June 2007.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Can complexity science help us better understand risk’, Risk Management, 8(4), 227-267, 2006
Johnson, J. H., ‘Visual communication in swarms of intelligent robot agents’, A. Life & Robotics, 5(1), 1-9, ISSN 1433-5298, 2001.
Johnson, J. H., Simon, J-C, ‘Fundamental Structures for the Design of Machine Vision Systems', Mathematical Geology, 33(3), 331-352, 2001.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Robot football, artificial life, and complexity', Artificial Life & Robotics, 3(4), 230-235, ISSN 1433-5298, 1999.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Relational structure in planning and design', Planning and Design, 25th Anniversary Edition, 57-67, ISSN 02658135, 1998.
Johnson, J. H., ‘A language of structure in the science of complexity’, Complexity, 1(3), 22-29, 1995.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Expert Q-analysis’, Environment and Planning B - Planning and Design, 17(2), 221-244, 1990
Johnson, J. H., ‘Interpretation and hierarchical set definition in Q-analysis’, Planning and Design, 17(3),1990.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The rules of Q-analysis', Environment and Planning B - Planning and Design, 17, (4), 1990.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Stars, maximal rectangles and lattices: a new perspective on Q-analysis', International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 24(3), 1986.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Hierarchical backcloth-traffic simulation’, Environment and Planning B -Planning and Design, 13(4), 1986,
Johnson, J. H., ‘Latent structure in road systems’, Transportation Research B, 18, 87-100. IDS SX716, ISSN 0191-2615,1984
Johnson, J. H., ‘Hierarchical set definition by Q-analysis. Part I: The hierarchical backcloth’, L J Man-machine Studies, 18(4), 1983.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Hierarchical set definition by Q-analysis; Part II: Traffic on the hierarchical backcloth’, I.J Man-Machine Studies, 18(5), 1983.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Q-analysis: a theory of stars’, Environment and Planning B – Planning and Design, 10(4), 457-469, 1983.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Ordinal scales in Q-discrimination analysis – a clarification’, Environment and Planning B – Planning and Design, 9(4), 491-492, 1982.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Q-transmission in simplicial complexes’, I. J. Man-Machine Studies, 16(4), 351-377. IDS NT391, ISSN 0020-7373, 1982.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The logic of speculative discourse: guidelines for decisionmakers’, Environment & Planning B, 9(1), 1982.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The logic of speculative discourse: time, prediction, and strategic planning' Environment and Planning B – Planning and Design, 9(3), 1982.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Q-discrimination analysis’, Environment and Planning B – Planning and Design, 8(4), 419-434, 1981
Johnson, J. H., ‘The Q-analysis of road traffic systems’, Environment and Planning B, 8(2), 141-189. IDS MR788, ISSN 0265-8135, 1981.
9. Johnson, J. H., ‘The shomotopy bottle of Q-analysis’, I. J. Man-Machine Studies, 15(4), 457-460. IDS MQ881, ISSN 0020-7373, 1981.
8. Johnson, J. H., ‘Some structures and notation of Q-analysis’, Environment & Planning B, 8(1), 73-86. MB584, 0265-8135, 1981.
7. Johnson, J. H., Wanmali, S., ‘A Q'-analysis of periodic market systems', Geographical Analysis, 13(3), 262-275, 1981.
6. Johnson, J. H., ‘A critique of the paper 'Classification in medical diagnosis: on some limitations of Q-analysis' by V. Pinkava’, I. J. Man-machine Studies, 15(2), 1981.
Gould, P., Johnson, J. H., ‘The content and structure of television programs', Communication, 5(1), 1980.
Gould, P., Johnson, J. H., ‘National television policy: monitoring structural complexity’, Futures, 12(3), 178-190, 1980.
Johnson, J. H., ‘A Q-analysis of Television Programmes’, I. J. Man-Machine Studies, 10(4), 461-479, 1978.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The Q-analysis of Road Intersections’, Int. J: Man-Machine Studies, 8(5), 531-548, 1976.
Atkin, R. H., Johnson, J. H., Mancini, V., ‘An analysis of urban structure using concepts of a1gebraic topology’. Urban Studies, 8(3), 221-242, 1971.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Policy, design and management: the in-vivo laboratory for the science of complex socio-technical systems’, Proc. COMPLEX'2009, February 23-25, 2009, Shanghai, China, Springer, 2009
Johnson, J. H., ‘Relational Simplices in Hypernetworks of Complex Systems’, Proc. COMPLEX'2009, February 23-25, 2009, Shanghai, China, Springer, 2009
Johnson, J. H., ‘Hypernetworks for reconstructing the dynamics of multilevel systems’, Proc. European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS’06, Oxford, 25-29 September 2006.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Links, Arrows, and Networks: Fundamental Metaphors in Human Thought’, in Networks in Action, J. Casti, R. Thord, D. Batten (eds.), Springer (Berlin), 3-48. 1995.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The Multidimensional Networks of Complex Systems’, in Networks in Action, J. Casti, R. Thord, D. Batten (eds.), Springer Verlag (Berlin), 49-79. 1995.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Representation, knowledge elicitation and mathematical science’, in Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics, Johnson, McKee, Vella (eds), Clarendon, Press (Oxford), 313-328, 1994
Johnson, J. H., ‘The dynamics of large complex road systems’, in Mathematics in Transport Planning and Control., J. D. Griffiths (ed.), Oxford University Press, 395-409.1992.
Johnson, J. H., ‘The mathematics of complex systems', in The Mathematical Revolution Inspired by Computing, J Johnson & M. Loomes (eds.), Clarendon Press (Oxford), 165-1.86. 1991.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Pixel parts and picture wholes’, in From pixels to Features, J-C Simon (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers BV (North Holland), 347-360.1989.
Johnson, J. H., ‘A theory of stars in complex systems’, in Complexity, Language, and Life, J L Casti and A Karlqvist (eds.), IIASA/Springer Verlag (Berlin). 1986.
Johnson, J. H., ‘Research on transport and Q-analysis’, in Transportation and Public Policy, D. Banister and P. Hall (eds.), Mansell (London). 1981.